We will always need your help!

There are 2 ways you can help ensure this lovely local Pre-school continues to provide outstanding childcare to our local children:

  • Join the committee

  • Help raise vital funds

If you would like to donate money directly to our Fundraising account:

Account: 24452760  Sort Code: 30-97-77


Thank you so, so much if you choose to simply send us money… we (parents, trustees and children) may never be able to thank you personally – but we can assure you, we will all be truly thankful… it really does help take the pressure off us to constantly fundraise.

You can also… Access FREE MONEY for us:

Did you know… while our fees are £5.50 per child, per hour – we are paid CONSIDERABLY less by the Local Authority who pay for all parents’ ‘Free Hours’.   Like many childcare providers across the country, the amount we’re paid to provide ‘free’ care for parents falls short every year – with rising overheads year on year.  In order to retain our excellent staff, maintain our outstanding provision, adhere to the ever evolving rules and regulations, and give all of our lovely little ones the fantastic Pre-school learning journey they deserve – we have to rely on kind-hearted donations to make ends meet.  It’s a big challenge… and we rely on income from parents/friends/sponsors/local businesses to bridge the funding gap each year.  We always need to buy basic supplies and maintain our existing garden equipment and learning resources – and we are constantly looking at new ways to stimulate and engage with all the children.  We also like to bring in visitor educators and provide a Summer Party too when funds permit.

Matched funding from your employer, donations for CAPs organised events, free money from online shopping, entering a local lottery – even selling your house… there are so many ways you can make money for CAPs with minimal effort from yourself… and it makes a HUGE difference to our lovely little Pre-school.  More information below; please have a read…


Free Money for CAPs:    Matched Funding

Do you know if your (or a loved ones) employer offers ‘Matched Funding’ to charities it’s employees support?  If you’re not sure – please ask your employer… so many big businesses have a budget for match funding that doesn’t get used!  We’d love their support!

Do you or your partner/family member work for:

3i  –  3i Deutschland Gmb H  –  Abbey National plc  –  ABN Amro Bank  –  Accenture  –  Alliance & Leicester plc  –  Alliance Capital Ltd  –  American Express  –  Amoco  –  Foundation, Inc Andersen  –  Argos plc  –  AstraZeneca  –  Bank of America  –  Bank of England  –  Bank of Scotland  –  Barclays Bank plc  –  Barclays Capital  –  Barclays Group  –  BOC Group plc  –  Boston Consulting Group  –  BP  –  Bradford and Bingley plc  –  Bristol-Myers Squibb  –  British Telecommunications plc  –  Cable & Wireless  –  C & A Stores  –  Camelot Group plc  –  Capital International Research  –  Centrica plc  –  Chase Manhattan  –  Citibank Group  –  Coutts Bank  –  Credit Suisse First Boston  –  De La Rue  –  Deloitte Consulting  –  Deutsche Bank  –  DHL  –  Dixons Group  –  Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein  –  EMI Group plc  –  Ernst & Young  –  Exxon Mobil  –  GlaxoSmithKline plc  –  Goldman Sachs  –  Guardian Royal Exchange plc  –  HSBC  –  Invensys  –  JPMorgan & Co Inc  –  Kingfisher plc  –  KPMG  –  Littlewoods Organisation  –  McKinsey & Co  –  Merrill Lynch  –  Mercury  –  Microsoft Corporation Inc  –  Moody’s Investors Services Ltd  –  Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  –  National Grid Transco  –  National Power plc  –  National Westminster Bank plc  –  Northern Electric plc  –  Norwich Union plc  –  Pearson  –  Pfizer  –  Proctor & Gamble  –  Reuters  –  Robert Fleming & Co  –  Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc  –  Royal Mail  –  Schroders plc  –  Scottish and Southern Energy plc  –  Seaboard  –  Shell  –  Sigma Securities  –  SIT Investment Associates Foundation  –  Sky Broadcasting  –  Stagecoach Holdings plc  –  Standard & Poor’s  –  Tesco plc  –  Texaco  –  Thames Water  –  The Economist Group  –  UBS  –  Warburg  –  Vodafone  –  Warner Music International  –  William M Mercer

Free Money for CAPs:    EasyFundraising Platform

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Cold Ash Pre School with easyfundraising?  There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:

1. Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/coldashpreschoolberks/?utm_campaign=raise-more and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Cold Ash Pre-school at no extra cost to you whatsoever!  There are no catches or hidden charges and CAPs will be really grateful for your donations.


Be in it to win it!!    For every £1 you spend on lottery tickets… we get 50p!!!

Play the lottery, support us and be in with a chance of winning £25,000 every week!!!  More information and how to enter here.  Good luck!!  


Join the Committee:

Did you know CAPs (like most Pre-schools) is managed by a group of volunteers?   Without a Committee of Trustees, CAPs will close – so, it is imperative that people volunteer their time.  Whether you’re good with finance, the written word, people, social media, management, governance, sport, planning and operations, fundraising, HR, baking, events, resourcing, IT, photography, sales, DIY, marketing, childcare  etc etc … whatever your strengths and skills, there’s almost certainly something you can contribute that will help safeguard the current and future success of the Pre-school.  If we all do a little bit, then together we’ll achieve a lot! 

Bonuses of joining the Committee:

  • You get to know the Pre-school Leader and staff far better with regular contact, and learn exactly what your little one’s been up to in setting
  • You are able to influence what happens in the Pre-school while your child is in attendance and beyond
  • You meet other parents; some of whom you’ll have children in the same class as for many years
  • You can contribute to your local community – which any volunteer will tell you, feels pretty good

If you’d like more information on joining the committee, or just helping us out on an ad-hoc basis without attending all the meetings (although it’s only usually 10 meetings a year – and they’re actually quite fun!), then please speak with one of our current Trustees (see Meet The Team), or contact our Chair on [email protected].